Back to Life, Back to Reality

I told myself I wouldn’t let this writing thing go when I started back up with work, but reality set in and I needed some time to get my groove back. Groove not yet back, but we are working on it. My type A personality wants so badly to have a routine and a schedule to make my life a little more predictable and a lot less chaotic, but that is not how my job works. Now that the babies are sleeping through the night (except this week, because we are getting teefers) I probably have a bit less to complain about with being back on the work grind, but that has helped me map out a little more structure to the day. *see bottom for “schedule”

I never wanted to be a stay at home mom. Not from a judgmental place at that time, I just knew that I wanted to be a working mom and knew that I would and could find the balance. The twins changed that up real quick. I love work, I love feeling valuable outside of the confines of my house, I love having a purpose other than keeping humans alive, I enjoy sharing my experiences with other moms and soon to be moms at my company. BUT the thought of having a full year or two at home with them has sounded so appealing. I will say I appreciate them a ton more now that I am back to work. I get home or step outside the home office and take the AirPods out and those first little smiles when they see you after a few hours is priceless. Still would be nice to have time to get the laundry done, make a home cooked meal that isn’t meal prepped baby led weaning foods or vacuum… Too bad Jeff Bezos basically owns me and I have an addiction to late night ordering crap I don’t need on Amazon and need to fund my addiction.

We are super lucky and live next door to my parents so G Coco comes over when I work and takes the nanny duty which saves us a ton of headache and a ton of money. Child care costs an arm and a leg, rightfully so, but at the end of the day most people would end up saving money just staying home and doing it all themselves once you start getting into the multiple children pay zone.

Anyway, this was my “I’m back from a one month hiatus” post. The long awaited conception post is next (;

Twin Mom Schedule A

6:30am - everyone wakes up

635am- feed babes

7am - pump and awake time aka listen to Spotify and play in activity chair

8am - get babes down for nap

8:15am - put away and wash bottles & chores (i.e. fold baby laundry since that’s the only laundry that gets priority)

8:30am- start work

11:30am - pump

3pm - pump

5:30pm - stop work / babes up from last nap

6pm - feed babes

7pm - attempt to keep the gremlins from turning before their bed time

7:30pm - bed time (I wish for me…)

8pm - pump

8:30pm - 9:30pm - “free time” aka wash bottles, prep bottles, feed ourselves (shoutout meal prep)

9:30pm - dream feed babes

10pm - bedtime

midnight - 5:30am - awaken randomly to pee and put a paci back in a crying babies mouth



Covid Chronicles: Part 2