Blog Post #1: An Introduction if You Will?
Well where do I begin… I have been lazy hesitant to start this blog for many reasons: I have newborn twins and I legit have zero time to pee let alone write blog posts about my journey and to be honest, I am still sort of recovering. In an effort to maintain some details of my reality, I realized the time is now. So here we go, welcome to my journey to motherhood. The raw, unedited, grammatically incorrect, and sometimes vulgar, narrative of my pregnancy journey, start of motherhood and life with twins.
My names Devan, I am 29 years old, a Regional Sales Manager for an energy drink company, a rescue pit bull advocate, a wine lover, an overly organized yet somewhat messy home owner, oh and a mother to a boy and girl set of twins, Frankie & Bennett.
Some of these posts will be long, some super short. My vision in setting out to start this was two-fold: I think/hope that this will be therapeutic for me. Not only recounting the experiences; the good the bad and the ugly. I also wanted to help at least one person who, just like me, was Dr. Googling endlessly to see what their odds were, what chromosome 15 was responsible for, what magnesium for 3 months can do to you… etc.